I have always loved a good cold glass of Pepsi. Every
week I would buy two or three 2-litre bottles for my house and they rarely last
a week. Three or four days tops, then I would have to replenish the
I know it has a bad reputation, what with the high levels
of sugar and calories that has contributed to the extra pounds I’m carrying but
it also has medicinal purposes. A dear nurse friend of mine had recommended hot Pepsi or Pepsi not yet refrigerated for upset stomach/vomiting and gas and I’ve been using it
for that ever since.
Well, I recently broke my ankle, badly.
Fractured in
three places, the foot flapping like an alien flag and had to have it
splintered before they could move me. Then I was in a cam walker for a few hours ….. 
Her recommendation? Drink at least 2 litres of water daily, including
a small bottle of Pepsi. Who knew? Pepsi for headache! And it worked! The Pepsi
worked! I was so happy because I really don’t like taking too many drugs.
After discovering the
Iaso tea, I thought that I would give up drinking sodas for tea but I
cannot do that, not totally. Pepsi has proven why it must remain on my grocery
list. I wonder how many persons agree with me?