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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Water – A Life Source

Water is a major contributor to our well being. It is made up of one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms and has the chemical formula H2O.

Hmm! Did you know that the human body can live without food for up to a month but not so without water? Your body can survive about 6 or 7 days without water depending on your circumstances. After that it starts to dry out just like a plant will wilt and die. Water definitely is life!

Consider this: there are over one hundred million, million (100,000,000,000,000) cells in the human body and water makes up more than two thirds of its weight.

An adult body contains six-tenths to seven-tenths (60% to 70%) water.

Your brain is three-quarters (75%) water.

Your lungs are approximately nine-tenths (90%) water.

But we lose water every day through sweat, urine, saliva, tears, faeces, and even from the lungs as water vapour when we breathe out carbon dioxide.

Have you ever noticed that when you haven’t consumed any water for a while how sluggish and tired you feel? What your urine looks like? What’s the condition of your skin? You start to look and feel dehydrated. How many times have you heard your doctor ask: “how much water do you drink each day?” Well, are you drinking enough water?

All your organs depend on water to function properly. Your body uses water in the metabolic process to move the nutrients through your system and then it acts as a solvent to remove the waste from it. If you think that any liquid is better than water, think about your kidneys:

Your kidneys are the main organs responsible for removing harmful waste from your body. Blood, which is mainly water, flows continuously through a network of blood vessels into the kidney, where waste substances are removed and passed out of your system as urine. The “cleaned” blood is transported back to the rest of the body to collect more “bad stuff” and do it all over again. You could drink some fruit juice or some other type of drink which is based on water, but just so that you know – it’s the water that your body needs. If your kidneys could talk I’m sure they would say they need plain water to do a good job, not sodas and juices!

1 bottle of water has no excess sugar, colour, acids, or carbon dioxide

20oz bottle of soda = sugar, sodium, carbon dioxide, & God knows what else!

I’m still unsure of just how much water should be consumed each day – one doctor said 6 to 8, another said 8 to 10 yet still another suggested 8 to 12. I guess if I’m drinking at least 6 glasses of water daily I should be ok?!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fat Traps To Avoid

This afternoon, I was perusing a popular "fitness" magazine that had
a number of dubious articles about what you can eat to lose weight.

This is a very popular magazine, with hundreds of thousands of
subscribers, and they were getting a bum steer, on many levels.
The magazine said that it was a good idea to eat bananas to burn
carbs. No argument from me there, because bananas fall under the
rubric of protein, fruits and vegetables. I would never tell anyone
not to eat a banana.

But here is where the magazine goes haywire. They didn't say just
eat a banana. They recommend that you use bananas to make a muffin,
bread and a smoothie. This is what I call a fat trap.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a banana. But when you
combine a banana with flour, sugar, sugar syrup and a host of other
ingredients, then the benefits of eating the banana are almost
completely lost by the other crap. There is nothing remotely healthy
about banana muffins, banana bread, or most banana smoothies.
They are just fat, wrapped up in a nice package and they will never
help you shed a pound.

To paraphrase Clinton mouthpiece James (Snakehead) Carville, "It's
the sugar and flour, stupid!"

Then, the weight loss expert moved on to oatmeal. Now I happen to
like oatmeal and I have a couple of recipes that will convert even
oatmeal haters. But oatmeal, for me, is a special occasion food and
it won't help you lose weight either. But the weight loss expert
recommends oatmeal pancakes and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

Oatmeal may be healthier than white flour, but it still falls into
the processed food category, which in the Book of Bill is a no-no
and especially oatmeal with pancakes, or oatmeal chocolate chip

It's no wonder people have trouble losing weight.

Be careful where you get your information and stick to real food, if
you want real results.

About the Author:
Dr. Bill is an orthopaedic surgeon and author. He recommends this pharmaceutical grade fish oil for more energy, reduced joint pain and increased heart health.