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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Aloe To The Rescue

Sometime in May 2014, my son had an accident with a metal chair.  

 Apparently, a fellow classmate placed the chair over a doorway and it fell and hit him on his head as he was passing through. 

To cut a long story short – when he got home and told me that the school nurse had cleaned it for him and stopped the bleeding, I immediately thought of my trusted aloe. 

I cut a piece of aloe, removed the clear gel and cut a piece just wide enough to cover the cut area. He spent the rest of the evening with this on his head. The only time it was removed was to replace the dried out section with a fresh piece. It only took about a week and a half for the cut to heal properly so that he could get a haircut! 

Before it was normally a headache to get him to use the aloe on his face but after witnessing its performance on his head, I can hardly keep up with him now. Every day he wants to put aloe on this, aloe on that! Talk about aloe mania! 

Peeled aloe leaf

Aloe cut into pieces

Pure blended aloe (no water added)

I've been teaching him how to cut the aloe and remove the gel. Now he's adding it to his juices.
Dear old aloe vera, just cannot do without it.  Thanks Nature!

About the Author: Mevonnie Hugh is an affiliate marketer/independent business owner who promotes business opportunities & healthy living both online and offline.  Share my quotes at http://mevquotes.blogspot.com  Learn more at My Miracle Plant Website and http://www.proearnja.com