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Saturday, August 20, 2011

112 Tips for Healthy Living

Here are 112 tips for healthy living that I think we need to put into practice. As a true believer of aloe vera benefits, I have thrown some in there. I also wrote some of these as they hit me so they are not in any particular sequence.

1. Aloe vera aids and balances the digestive system.
2. A cold compress controls inflammation.
3. A hot compress relieves pain.
4. Pure aloe vera gel relieves pain.
5. Remove toxins from the body or the body will.
6. Stress and eyestrain cause headaches.
7. Avoid diet pills at all cost.
8. Add more fibre to your diet.
9. Best low-calorie diet is a vegetarian diet.
10. Relieve stress by meditating.
11. Best fasting is alkaline juice fasting.
12. Drink fresh fruit & vegetable juices instead of processed juices.
13. Water is a natural cleanser.
14. Drink at least 6 glasses of water daily.
15. Eat green leafy vegetables to help lower the risk of heart disease.
16. Vegetables are best eaten raw, steamed or steam-fried.
17. Drink water before, during and after exercise.
18. A good exercise regimen will lengthen your life.
19. Do something physical every single day.
20. Keep your joint flexible to reduce arthritis pain.
21. Drinking aloe vera juice helps maintain your energy levels.
22. Diet and exercise are inter-related for weight-loss & good health.
23. Monitor what you eat.
24. Avoid shopping when you are hungry.
25. When you eat, leave something on your plate.
26. Always eat at the table, never in front of the television.
27. Never skip meals, your appetite will only make you play “catch up”.
28. Cigarettes threaten your health.
29. Protect yourself/kids from secondhand smoke.
30. Boiled milk is easier to digest.
31. Eliminate as much fried foods as possible from your diet.
32. Trim all fats from meats before cooking.
33. Drink skim milk instead of whole milk.
34. Whole wheat flour/bread is better than white flour/bread.
35. Always use a list to shop for groceries.
36. Stay away from processed foods as much as possible.
37. Eat more white meat than red meat.
38. Use non-stick pans.
39. Always warm up before exercising.
40. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
41. Hide your remote control; get up to change the channel.
42. Exercise for increased energy.
43. Diabetics – avoid injecting insulin into your muscle before exercising.
44. Less salt is good for you.
45. Plan your meals and menus.
46. Shop for products from health food stores.
47. Marinate meats in the refrigerator.
48. Scrub chopping boards between chopping each type of food.
49. Always use clean utensils.
50. Always wash your hands before you eat or prepare food.
51. Defrost meats in the bottom of the refrigerator.
52. White meats cook faster than red meats.
53. Keep all raw meats away from other food.
54. Disinfect hand, cutting board, utensils & surroundings after handling raw meats.
55. It’s healthier to prepare more of your meals at home.
56. Brush and floss your teeth at least twice daily.
57. Get at least 6 hours of sleep daily.
58. Laughter is good for your mental and physical state.
59. Aloe vera helps the renewal of healthy tissues and skin.
60. Aloe vera maintains a healthy urinary tract.
61. Hand washing is an easy way to prevent infections.
62. Accept yourself for the way you are.
63. Become more positive; positive emotions make life worth living.
64. Develop and maintain good posture for better relaxation.
65. Educate yourself about any history of family illnesses.
66. Breast feeding may help to get the body back into shape internally.
67. Breast milk has the right balance of nutrients for babies.
68. Breast milk help increase baby’s protection against illnesses & allergies.
69. Avoid all harmful drugs.
70. Dispose of garbage properly.
71. Exercise cleanliness of food, body and surroundings.
72. Excessive alcohol threatens your health.
73. Keep leftovers in the refrigerator.
74. Do not share hair-brushes, combs, toothbrushes or other personal items.
75. Never eat food that looks or smells bad.
76. Eat less sugar and sweets.
77. Do not pollute the rivers, streams and sea.
78. Avoid burning to clear land.
79. Avoid cultivation of steep slopes.
80. Protect and preserve our environment.
81. Respect your fellow man.
82. Have companionship – develop social connections.
83. Do something you love – get a hobby.
84. Walking helps the total circulation of blood throughout the body.
85. Keep your hands away from your nose, mouth & eyes to minimize catching a cold.
86. Train yourself & your family to sneeze into your elbow.
87. If you sneeze into a tissue, dispose of it and wash your hands.
88. Plan your goals.
89. Go out and make your goals happen.
90. Build your self esteem.
91. Start the day with a nutritious breakfast every morning.
92. Never eat raw or lightly cooked eggs.
93. Eat more alkaline foods to decrease aging.
94. Seafood is the best natural source of Omega-3 fatty acids.
95. Smile more to relieve stress, look younger & stay positive.
96. Try not to worry; accept situations & find solutions.
97. Eliminate stress – stress leads to acidosis.
98. Stay away from harsh laxatives.
99. Protect your skin from contaminants including dirt & uv rays.
100. Avoid preparing meals if you have diarrhoea or vomiting.
101. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling live poultry.
102. Do not eat or drink in areas where birds live or roam.
103. Do not allow animals in places where you prepare foods.
104. Keep cooked meat dishes in temperatures warmer than 140°F or cooler than 41°F.
105. Refrigerate cooked food within 2 hours of preparation.
106. Reheat leftovers thoroughly (165°F or more) before serving.
107. Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold.
108. Do not let children 5 years & under handle live poultry without supervision.
109. Wash hands after touching animals, their food, etc.
110. Disinfect cleaning sponges/rags in kitchens/bathrooms and keep dry.
111. Never use a gas range or oven to heat your home.
112. Never run a motor inside or close to an enclosed area.

These are some of the health tips eating at my brain but I’m sure you can add more. With only one life to live; I’m trying to live it to the fullest ….. Be healthy.

About the Author: Mevonnie Hugh is an affiliate marketer/independent business owner who promotes business opportunities & healthy living both online and offline. Learn more at My Miracle Plant Website and http://www.proearnja.com

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Arsenic Poisoning Symptoms And Treatments

Arsenic is a very toxic substance that is found in food, water and household items. Tobacco smoke, laundry detergent, bone meal, sea food, beer and even drinking water are a few of the items arsenic can be consumed from. Headaches, confusion, sleepiness, and even convulsions can be the effects of arsenic poisoning. Vomiting, diarrhea, kidney, liver and lung problems can occur, including death in extreme cases. Here is how to avoid and cure arsenic poisoning.

Arsenic is found in many different places. Arsenic is used to poison pests such as rats and mice, and can be used to kill any living thing. Arsenic is found in tiny amounts in many things that we consume. Some food items that may contain arsenic are seafood, water, bone meal, dolomite, kelp, table salt, and beer.

If you work in a job that produces any kind of pesticide, agricultural insecticide or spraying of any of these, you are at risk of arsenic poisoning. Other jobs that are at risk are copper smelting, mining, sheep dipping and metallurgical industries. Continued exposure to arsenic builds up in the system and there is an accumulated effect. The more you are exposed the more serious are the consequences.

Arsenic poisoning is usually determined by a hair analysis. If arsenic is found in the hair follicles it will stay there for years. If it is in your hair follicles it is usually in your body as well. Arsenic is also deposited in the fingernails and skin.

Exposure to arsenic is suspected as the cause of many types of cancer. The types of cancers that are found in workers that are regularly exposed to arsenic are: skin cancer, scrotal cancer, liver cancer, cancer of the lymphatic system, and lung cancer.

Symptoms of arsenic poisoning begin with headaches, confusion and drowsiness. As the poisoning develops, convulsions and changes in fingernail pigmentation may occur. When the poisoning becomes acute, symptoms may include diarrhea, vomiting, blood in the urine, cramping muscles, hair loss, stomach pain, and more convulsions. The organs of the body that are usually affected by arsenic poisoning are the lungs, skin, kidneys, and liver. The final result of arsenic poisoning is coma or death.

If you suspect that you are being exposed to arsenic your diet needs to include lots of sulfur. Sulfur can eliminate some of the arsenic from the body. The foods that contains sulfur are; eggs, onions, beans, legumes, and garlic. Sulfur can be bought and taken in tablet form also. The amino acid that provides sulfur is cysteine. Check with your doctor before taking any supplements.

Fiber can also help to leech the arsenic from your system by attaching to it and washing it out. Include a lot of fiber in your diet by eating whole grains and cereals, fruits and vegetables.

If someone accidentally ingests arsenic administer 5 charcoal tablets immediately. Take 5 more charcoal tablets 15 minutes later and again every fifteen minutes. Go immediately to an emergency room. Charcoal tablets should be a part of every medicine cabinet for any type of poisoning.

Chelation therapy is an option if you have arsenic poisoning. Chelation therapy is used to remove toxic metals such as cadmium, arsenic, lead and mercury from our bodies. Metals and minerals can clog our systems and can be removed with chelation therapy. The procedure has been done for forty years in the United States and is safe. Chelation therapy is a series of injections of ethylenediaminetetra aacetic acid (EDTA) that is done in a doctors office.

You can also do chelation therapy at home with over the counter chelation formulas bought at a health food store or a drug store. Most are made with alfalfa, garlic, fiber, turin and selenium. Alfalfa liquid or tablets, taken three times daily with meals, detoxifies the liver and chelates substances from the body. Coenzyme Q(10) improves circulation of the blood which allows the toxic substances to leave the body. L-Lysine, an amino acid, detoxifies harmful heavy metals from our systems. Rutin and apple pectin can be taken to bind with unwanted toxic metals and remove them from the body through the intestinal tract.

When doing any chelation therapy, make sure that you replace lost essential minerals by taking alfalfa, iron, kelp and zinc in addition to your regular multi-vitamin.

Author: Unknown